Composition tests

Trying to make things that sound interesting!

Matt Crump


February 17, 2024

from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
from transformers import set_seed
from PIL import Image
import torch
import random
import ssl
import os
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

#locate library
#model_id = "./stable-diffusion-v1-5"
model_id = "dreamshaper-xl-turbo"

pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
    pretrained_model_name_or_path = "../../../../bigFiles/huggingface/dreamshaper-xl-turbo/"

pipeline ="mps")

# Recommended if your computer has < 64 GB of RAM

prompt = "Chunky square wave. house beats. convolution reverb. A little dark analog delay. lots of stereo. busy. synthesizers. megazord. linocut"

for s in range(30):
  for n in [5,10]:
    seed = s+21
    num_steps = n+1
    image = pipeline(prompt,height = 1024,width = 1024,num_images_per_prompt = 1,num_inference_steps=num_steps)
    image_name = "images/synth_{}_{}.jpeg"
    image_save = image.images[0].save(image_name.format(seed,num_steps))

“Chunky square wave. house beats. convolution reverb. A little dark analog delay. lots of stereo. busy. synthesizers. megazord. linocut”

This image was produced by dreamshaper-xl-turbo using the above prompt, and should be reproducible with the source code.

Comp 1

Some tests.

-add drums and synth voices


all_tracks <- data.frame()

# note parameters
  bars <- 12 
  repeat_bars <- 2
  possible_time_steps <- 16
  note_interval <- 24
  note_duration <- 48
  track_params <- list(track_1_kick =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(1:5, times = rep(5,2,1,1,1)), 
                              key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 15), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                              possible_beats = rep(c(4, 7,13,1), times=c(7,1,1,2)),
                              program = 0,
                              channel = 1,
                              note_interval = 24,
                              note_duration = 48
                       track_2_snare =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(1:5, times = rep(5,2,1,1,1)),  
                            key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 15), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                            possible_beats = rep(c(1, 2, 7), times=c(4,1,1)),
                            program = 1,
                            channel = 2,
                            note_interval = 24,
                            note_duration = 48
                       track_3_cymb =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(1:5, times = rep(5,2,1,1,1)),  
                            key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 15), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                            possible_beats = rep(c(8, 11, 12, 16,1), times=c(4,1,1,1,1)),
                            program = 2,
                            channel = 3,
                            note_interval = 24,
                            note_duration = 48
                       track_4_synth =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(((60:72)-24),   #1     2     3  4     5     6     7  8 
                                                   times = c(8, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1)), 
                            key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 5), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                            possible_beats = rep(c(15,16,13,13), times=c(3,3,1,1)),
                            program = 4,
                            channel = 4,
                            note_interval = 24,
                            note_duration = sample(c(8,8,8,8,16,24), possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars, replace = T)
                       track_5_synth =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(((60:72)),   #1     2     3  4     5     6     7  8 
                                                   times = c(8, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1)), 
                            key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 5), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                            possible_beats = rep(c(2,3,1,13), times=c(3,3,1,1)),
                            program = 4,
                            channel = 5,
                            note_interval = 24,
                            note_duration = sample(c(8,8,8,8,16,24), possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars, replace = T)
# loop for each track
for(t in 1:5) {
  compose_notes <- tibble::tibble(
    note_id = integer(),
    note = integer(),
    beat_on = integer(),
    note_on = integer(),
    note_off = integer()
  ) %>%
    # use euclidean rhythm
    rowwise() %>%
      beat_on = c(replicate(
        bresenham_euclidean(sample(track_params[[t]]$possible_beats, 1), 
                            start = 1)
      note = sample(track_params[[t]]$possible_notes,
                    size = possible_time_steps * (bars*repeat_bars),
                    replace = TRUE) + track_params[[t]]$key_vector
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    # handle note times
      note_id = 1:n(),
      note_on = (1:n() - 1) * track_params[[t]]$note_interval,
      note_off = note_on + track_params[[t]]$note_duration
    ) %>%
    filter(beat_on == 1) %>%
    #pivot to long
    tidyr::pivot_longer(c("note_on", "note_off"),
                        names_to = "type",
                        values_to = "time") %>%
    arrange(time) %>%
    mutate(time = time - lag(time, default = 0),
           channel = track_params[[t]]$channel)
  # End composition 
  ## add composition to a new midi df
  new_midi_df <- create_empty_midi_df() %>% # initialize
    add_meta_track_name(name = "My track") %>%
    add_meta_tempo(tempo = 500000) %>%
      numerator = 4,
      denominator = 4,
      clocks_per_click = 36,
      notated_32nd_notes_per_beat = 8
    ) %>%
    add_program_change(program = track_params[[t]]$program,
                       channel = track_params[[t]]$channel) %>%
    add_control_change(control = 0, value = 0) %>%
    # Composition added here
      i_track = rep(0, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
      meta = rep(FALSE, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
      note = compose_notes$note,
      type = compose_notes$type,
      time = compose_notes$time,
      channel = compose_notes$channel,
      velocity = sample(100L:112L,dim(compose_notes)[1],replace=T)
      #velocity = 64
    ) %>%
    add_meta_end_of_track() %>%
    mutate(i_track = t) %>%
    mutate(velocity = case_when(type == "note_on" ~ velocity,
                                type == "note_off" ~ 0))# set current track number
  all_tracks <- rbind(all_tracks,new_midi_df)

#write midi
#Initialize new pyramidi object
new_pyramidi_object <- pyramidi::MidiFramer$new()
# update ticks per beat
new_pyramidi_object$ticks_per_beat <- 96L
# update object with new midi df
# write to midi file

# play
fluidsynth::midi_play(midi = "TE-EP-133-C.mid",soundfont = "~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/TE-EP-133-A.sf2")

fluidsynth::midi_convert(midi = "TE-EP-133-C.mid",
                         soundfont = "~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/TE-EP-133-A.sf2",
                         output = "TE-EP-133-D.mp3")

Comp 2

  • get super basic, increase repetition, 4 on floor
  • increase gain
all_tracks <- data.frame()

# note parameters
  bars <- 12 
  repeat_bars <- 2
  possible_time_steps <- 16
  note_interval <- 24
  note_duration <- 48
  track_params <- list(track_1_kick =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(c(20,16), times = c(10,1)), 
                              key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                              possible_beats = rep(c(4,5,6,7), times=c(10,1,1,1)),
                              program = 0,
                              channel = 1,
                              note_interval = 24,
                              note_duration = 48,
                              velocity = sample(80:127,size = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars), replace = T)
                       track_2_snare =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(c(5,9), times = c(5,1)),  
                            key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 10, 15), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                            possible_beats = rep(c(2,1,7), times=c(8,1,1)),
                            program = 1,
                            channel = 2,
                            note_interval = 24,
                            note_duration = 48,
                            velocity = sample(80:127,size = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars), replace = T)
                       track_3_cymb =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(c(3,35,33), times = c(64,1,1)),  
                            key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 15), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                            possible_beats = rep(c(15,13,11,16), times=c(5,1,1,1)),
                            program = 2,
                            channel = 3,
                            note_interval = 24,
                            note_duration = 48,
                            velocity = sample(10:127,size = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars), replace = T)
                       track_4_synth =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(((60:72)-24),   #1     2     3  4     5     6     7  8 
                                                   times = c(8, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1)), 
                            key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 5), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                            possible_beats = rep(c(8,16,13,13), times=c(3,3,1,1)),
                            program = 4,
                            channel = 4,
                            note_interval = 24,
                            note_duration = sample(c(8,8,8,8,16,24), possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars, replace = T),
                            velocity = rep(127,times = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars))
                       track_5_synth =
                         list(possible_notes = rep(((60:72)),   #1     2     3  4     5     6     7  8 
                                                   times = c(8, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1)), 
                            key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 5), 
                                                 each = possible_time_steps), 
                                             times = repeat_bars),
                            possible_beats = rep(c(2,3,1,13), times=c(3,3,1,1)),
                            program = 4,
                            channel = 5,
                            note_interval = 24,
                            note_duration = sample(c(8,8,8,8,16,24), possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars, replace = T),
                            velocity = rep(127,times = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars))
# loop for each track
for(t in 4:5) {
  compose_notes <- tibble::tibble(
    note_id = integer(),
    note = integer(),
    beat_on = integer(),
    note_on = integer(),
    note_off = integer(),
    velocity = integer()
  ) %>%
    # use euclidean rhythm
    rowwise() %>%
      beat_on = c(replicate(
        bresenham_euclidean(sample(track_params[[t]]$possible_beats, 1), 
                            start = 1)
      note = sample(track_params[[t]]$possible_notes,
                    size = possible_time_steps * (bars*repeat_bars),
                    replace = TRUE) + track_params[[t]]$key_vector,
      velocity = track_params[[t]]$velocity 
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    # handle note times
      note_id = 1:n(),
      note_on = (1:n() - 1) * track_params[[t]]$note_interval,
      note_off = note_on + track_params[[t]]$note_duration
    ) %>%
    filter(beat_on == 1) %>%
    #pivot to long
    tidyr::pivot_longer(c("note_on", "note_off"),
                        names_to = "type",
                        values_to = "time") %>%
    arrange(time) %>%
    mutate(time = time - lag(time, default = 0),
           channel = track_params[[t]]$channel)
  # End composition 
  ## add composition to a new midi df
  new_midi_df <- create_empty_midi_df() %>% # initialize
    add_meta_track_name(name = "My track") %>%
    add_meta_tempo(tempo = 600000) %>%
      numerator = 4,
      denominator = 4,
      clocks_per_click = 36,
      notated_32nd_notes_per_beat = 8
    ) %>%
    add_program_change(program = track_params[[t]]$program,
                       channel = track_params[[t]]$channel) %>%
    add_control_change(control = 0, value = 0) %>%
    # Composition added here
      i_track = rep(0, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
      meta = rep(FALSE, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
      note = compose_notes$note,
      type = compose_notes$type,
      time = compose_notes$time,
      channel = compose_notes$channel,
      velocity = compose_notes$velocity
      #velocity = 64
    ) %>%
    add_meta_end_of_track() %>%
    mutate(velocity = case_when(type == "note_on" ~ velocity,
                                type == "note_off" ~ 0))
  all_tracks <- rbind(all_tracks,new_midi_df)

#write midi
#Initialize new pyramidi object
new_pyramidi_object <- pyramidi::MidiFramer$new()
# update ticks per beat
new_pyramidi_object$ticks_per_beat <- 96L
# update object with new midi df
# write to midi file

# play
fluidsynth::midi_play(midi = "TE-EP-133-E.mid",
                      soundfont = "~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/TE-EP-133-A.sf2",
                      settings = list('synth.gain' = 2))
fluidsynth::midi_convert(midi = "TE-EP-133-E.mid",
                         soundfont = "~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/TE-EP-133-A.sf2",
                         output = "TE-EP-133-E_synth_Eb.mp3",
                         settings = list('synth.gain' = 2))

This ended up being fun. I bounced a couple 24 bar drum tracks to ableton generated from this script. And, a simple synth track. Then used that source material to get this going.

Comp 3

  • Not sure yet
  • try something similar to Comp 2
  • increase gain
all_tracks <- data.frame()

# note parameters
bars <- 12 
repeat_bars <- 2
possible_time_steps <- 16
note_interval <- 24
note_duration <- 48

track_params <- list(
  track_1_kick =
   list(possible_notes = rep(c(20,16), times = c(10,1)), 
        key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
        possible_beats = rep(1:16, times=1),
        program = 0,
        channel = 1,
        note_interval = 24,
        note_duration = 8,
        velocity = sample(80:127,size = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars), replace = T)
 track_2_snare =
   list(possible_notes = rep(c(5,9), times = c(5,1)),  
      key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 10, 15), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
      possible_beats = rep(1:16, times=16:1),
      program = 1,
      channel = 2,
      note_interval = 24,
      note_duration = 48,
      velocity = sample(80:127,size = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars), replace = T)
 track_3_cymb =
   list(possible_notes = rep(c(3,35,33), times = c(64,1,1)),  
      key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 15), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
      possible_beats = rep(c(1:16),1),
      program = 2,
      channel = 3,
      note_interval = 24,
      note_duration = 48,
      velocity = sample(10:127,size = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars), replace = T)
 track_4_synth =
   list(possible_notes = rep(((60:72)-24),   #1     2     3  4     5     6     7  8 
                             times = c(8, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1)), 
      key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 5), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
      possible_beats = rep(c(8,16,13,13), times=c(3,3,1,1)),
      program = 5,
      channel = 4,
      note_interval = 24,
      note_duration = sample(c(8,8,8,8,16,24), possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars, replace = T),
      velocity = rep(127,times = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars))
 track_5_synth =
   list(possible_notes = rep(((60:72)),   #1     2     3  4     5     6     7  8 
                             times = c(8, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1)), 
      key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 5), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
      possible_beats = rep(c(2,3,1,13), times=c(3,3,1,1)),
      program = 6,
      channel = 5,
      note_interval = 24,
      note_duration = sample(c(8,8,8,8,16,24), possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars, replace = T),
      velocity = rep(127,times = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars))
# loop for each track
for(t in 4:5) {
  compose_notes <- tibble::tibble(
    note_id = integer(),
    note = integer(),
    beat_on = integer(),
    note_on = integer(),
    note_off = integer(),
    velocity = integer()
  ) %>%
    # use euclidean rhythm
    rowwise() %>%
      beat_on = c(replicate(
        bresenham_euclidean(sample(track_params[[t]]$possible_beats, 1), 
                            start = 1)
      note = sample(track_params[[t]]$possible_notes,
                    size = possible_time_steps * (bars*repeat_bars),
                    replace = TRUE) + track_params[[t]]$key_vector,
      velocity = track_params[[t]]$velocity 
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    # handle note times
      note_id = 1:n(),
      note_on = (1:n() - 1) * track_params[[t]]$note_interval,
      note_off = note_on + track_params[[t]]$note_duration
    ) %>%
    filter(beat_on == 1) %>%
    #pivot to long
    tidyr::pivot_longer(c("note_on", "note_off"),
                        names_to = "type",
                        values_to = "time") %>%
    arrange(time) %>%
    mutate(time = time - lag(time, default = 0),
           channel = track_params[[t]]$channel)
  # End composition 
  ## add composition to a new midi df
  new_midi_df <- create_empty_midi_df() %>% # initialize
    add_meta_track_name(name = "My track") %>%
    add_meta_tempo(tempo = 600000) %>%
      numerator = 4,
      denominator = 4,
      clocks_per_click = 36,
      notated_32nd_notes_per_beat = 8
    ) %>%
    add_program_change(program = track_params[[t]]$program,
                       channel = track_params[[t]]$channel) %>%
    add_control_change(control = 0, value = 0) %>%
    # Composition added here
      i_track = rep(0, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
      meta = rep(FALSE, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
      note = compose_notes$note,
      type = compose_notes$type,
      time = compose_notes$time,
      channel = compose_notes$channel,
      velocity = compose_notes$velocity
      #velocity = 64
    ) %>%
    add_meta_end_of_track() %>%
    mutate(velocity = case_when(type == "note_on" ~ velocity,
                                type == "note_off" ~ 0))
  all_tracks <- rbind(all_tracks,new_midi_df)

#write midi
#Initialize new pyramidi object
new_pyramidi_object <- pyramidi::MidiFramer$new()
# update ticks per beat
new_pyramidi_object$ticks_per_beat <- 96L
# update object with new midi df
# write to midi file

# play
fluidsynth::midi_play(midi = "F_samples/TE-EP-133-FsynthA.mid",
                      soundfont = "~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/TE-EP-133-A.sf2",
                      settings = list('synth.gain' = 2))
fluidsynth::midi_convert(midi = "F_samples/TE-EP-133-FsynthA.mid",
                         soundfont = "~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/TE-EP-133-A.sf2",
                         output = "F_samples/TE-EP-133-FsynthA.mp3",
                         settings = list('synth.gain' = 2))

Fun was had.

Comp 4

  • Going back to super basic
all_tracks <- data.frame()

# note parameters
bars <- 12 
repeat_bars <- 2
possible_time_steps <- 16
note_interval <- 24
note_duration <- 48

track_params <- list(
  track_1_kick =
   list(possible_notes = rep(c(20,16), times = c(10,1)), 
        key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
        possible_beats = rep(1:7, times=7:1),
        program = 0,
        channel = 1,
        note_interval = 24,
        note_duration = 8,
        velocity = sample(80:127,size = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars), replace = T)
 track_2_snare =
   list(possible_notes = rep(c(5,9), times = c(5,1)),  
      key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 10, 15), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
      possible_beats = rep(1:4, times= 4:1),
      program = 1,
      channel = 2,
      note_interval = 24,
      note_duration = 48,
      velocity = sample(80:127,size = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars), replace = T)
 track_3_cymb =
   list(possible_notes = rep(c(3,35,33), times = c(64,1,1)),  
      key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 15), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
      possible_beats = rep(c(1:16),16:1),
      program = 2,
      channel = 3,
      note_interval = 24,
      note_duration = 48,
      velocity = sample(10:127,size = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars), replace = T)
 track_4_synth =
   list(possible_notes = rep(((60:72)-24),   #1     2     3  4     5     6     7  8 
                             times = c(8, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1)), 
      key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 5), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
      possible_beats = rep(c(1:16), times=c(16:1)),
      program = 5,
      channel = 4,
      note_interval = 24,
      note_duration = sample(c(8,8,8,8,16,24), possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars, replace = T),
      velocity = rep(127,times = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars))
 track_5_synth =
   list(possible_notes = rep(((60:72)),   #1     2     3  4     5     6     7  8 
                             times = c(8, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1)), 
      key_vector = rep(rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 5), 
                           each = possible_time_steps), 
                       times = repeat_bars),
      possible_beats = rep(c(1:16), times=c(16:1)),
      program = 6,
      channel = 5,
      note_interval = 24,
      note_duration = sample(c(8,8,8,8,16,24), possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars, replace = T),
      velocity = rep(127,times = (possible_time_steps*bars*repeat_bars))
# loop for each track
for(t in 4:5) {
  compose_notes <- tibble::tibble(
    note_id = integer(),
    note = integer(),
    beat_on = integer(),
    note_on = integer(),
    note_off = integer(),
    velocity = integer()
  ) %>%
    # use euclidean rhythm
    rowwise() %>%
      beat_on = c(replicate(
        bresenham_euclidean(sample(track_params[[t]]$possible_beats, 1), 
                            start = 1)
      note = sample(track_params[[t]]$possible_notes,
                    size = possible_time_steps * (bars*repeat_bars),
                    replace = TRUE) + track_params[[t]]$key_vector,
      velocity = track_params[[t]]$velocity 
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    # handle note times
      note_id = 1:n(),
      note_on = (1:n() - 1) * track_params[[t]]$note_interval,
      note_off = note_on + track_params[[t]]$note_duration
    ) %>%
    filter(beat_on == 1) %>%
    #pivot to long
    tidyr::pivot_longer(c("note_on", "note_off"),
                        names_to = "type",
                        values_to = "time") %>%
    arrange(time) %>%
    mutate(time = time - lag(time, default = 0),
           channel = track_params[[t]]$channel)
  # End composition 
  ## add composition to a new midi df
  new_midi_df <- create_empty_midi_df() %>% # initialize
    add_meta_track_name(name = "My track") %>%
    add_meta_tempo(tempo = 600000) %>%
      numerator = 4,
      denominator = 4,
      clocks_per_click = 36,
      notated_32nd_notes_per_beat = 8
    ) %>%
    add_program_change(program = track_params[[t]]$program,
                       channel = track_params[[t]]$channel) %>%
    add_control_change(control = 0, value = 0) %>%
    # Composition added here
      i_track = rep(0, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
      meta = rep(FALSE, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
      note = compose_notes$note,
      type = compose_notes$type,
      time = compose_notes$time,
      channel = compose_notes$channel,
      velocity = compose_notes$velocity
      #velocity = 64
    ) %>%
    add_meta_end_of_track() %>%
    mutate(velocity = case_when(type == "note_on" ~ velocity,
                                type == "note_off" ~ 0))
  all_tracks <- rbind(all_tracks,new_midi_df)

#write midi
#Initialize new pyramidi object
new_pyramidi_object <- pyramidi::MidiFramer$new()
# update ticks per beat
new_pyramidi_object$ticks_per_beat <- 96L
# update object with new midi df
# write to midi file

# play
fluidsynth::midi_play(midi = "G_samples/TE-EP-133-Gsynth.mid",
                      soundfont = "~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/TE-EP-133-A.sf2",
                      settings = list('synth.gain' = 2))
fluidsynth::midi_convert(midi = "G_samples/TE-EP-133-Gsynth.mid",
                         soundfont = "~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/TE-EP-133-A.sf2",
                         output = "G_samples/TE-EP-133-Gsynth.mp3",
                         settings = list('synth.gain' = 2))

Fun was had.