Euclidean Rhythms and circulating sequences with information theory concepts

euclidean rhythms
information theory
Probably biting off more than I can chew here. A saturday experiment in MIDI mangling.

Matt Crump


February 10, 2024

from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
from transformers import set_seed
from PIL import Image
import torch
import random
import ssl
import os
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

#locate library
#model_id = "./stable-diffusion-v1-5"
model_id = "dreamshaper-xl-turbo"

pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
    pretrained_model_name_or_path = "../../../../bigFiles/huggingface/dreamshaper-xl-turbo/"

pipeline ="mps")

# Recommended if your computer has < 64 GB of RAM

prompt = "A computer drumming. synthesizer drum. Drum beats. probabilistic drums. information theory. Euclid. Math. Drum machines everywhere. background is a room full of drum machines. Rhythm. drums. Transformers cartoon. retro 80s."

for s in range(30):
  for n in [5,10]:
    seed = s+21
    num_steps = n+1
    image = pipeline(prompt,height = 1024,width = 1024,num_images_per_prompt = 1,num_inference_steps=num_steps)
    image_name = "images/synth_{}_{}.jpeg"
    image_save = image.images[0].save(image_name.format(seed,num_steps))

A computer drumming. synthesizer drum. Drum beats. probabilistic drums. information theory. Euclid. Math. Drum machines everywhere. background is a room full of drum machines. Rhythm. drums. Transformers cartoon. retro 80s. - dreamshaper

This is another exploratory post. I’m planning to use midiblender for a few things in the future. One of them is to generate stimuli for musical recognition tasks. The others are mostly fooling around. This here is a bit of both.

I’ve been practicing the following kinds of patterns on piano, and I’ve been thinking about coding them as a generative sequence algorithm. I’ll start playing around on a single note, like C major, and then slowly add notes from the circle of fifths around the note I’m playing. I’ll bring in F and G, which gives a very Csus feel. And, then I’ll go out even more, add a Bb and D. These fifths are symmetrical about C. Sometimes I’ll go a bit lopsided, maybe add an A into the mix, and feel it out as I play. Another way to look at this is that I’m playing some group of notes from the circle of fifths, like {Bb, F, C, G, D}. I could expand the collection by adding more notes, or reduce the collection by taking some away. Sometimes I rotate around the circle, etc. It’s fun to play on piano.

One goal for this post is to get an algorithm that does something like the above. Just wanders around the cycle of fifths, expands and contracts the collection of notes to play, and then spits them out in an interesting rhythm.

But, what rhythm should I code in here? Euclidean Rhythms to the rescue. They mostly sound fine. Not the most super interesting rhythms ever, but very fine. If you don’t know what they are, this was a good post describing them, and it also had some code I modified to make a Euclidean Rhythms algorithm for R. I use these rhythms all the time in modular synthesis. So, part of this post is about getting them into {midiblender}.

Ideally I would have a bunch of midi notes spread about in euclidean rhythms, and I could assign pitches to those notes using some kind of circle of fifths algorithm. Enter the last part of the equation, concepts from information theory.

Information theory provides an equation to measure the variance of a discrete probability distribution. It’s called Shannon entropy, and I won’t go into the details here too much. Actually, I doubt I will use the equation for this. It’s the concept of variation in a probability distribution that I’m interested in.

A uniform probability distribution has no variance. All of the elements in the distribution have an equal likelihood of occurrence. I could use a uniform distribution to randomly pick notes from a collection like {Bb, F, C, G, D}, and sequences produced from that distribution would have 100% entropy. Another option is to bias the probabilities so that some of the notes are more probable than others in the set. These kinds of sequences have less entropy and are more predictable.

Musical sequences usually don’t look like they come from a uniform distribution, often times some notes repeat more often than others. In terms of generating sequences with {midiblender}, I’d like some control over the variance of the probability distribution that is controlling note occurrences. Ideally, I would have an entropy knob on my eurorack somewhere that did all of this.

Those are the basic ideas. I’m going to code some stuff and see what happens.

Euclidean Rhythms in R

Here’s a function that creates Euclidean rhythms in R. Again, thanks to Jeff Holtzkener for a great run down on this algorithm. To give some more credit, Euclidean rhythms were coined by Godfried Toussaint (Toussaint 2005), and his paper is available here.

The basic idea for the algorithm is to find a way to spread beats evenly through a set of time steps. 4 beats goes into 16 steps very evenly, 1 beat every 4 steps. But, how does one space 5 beats into 13 steps. The algorithm finds some nice solutions that happen to also sound good as rhythms. I learned from the Holtzkener post that Bresenham’s line algorithm (for raster scans), also works to compute Euclidean Rhythms, so I use that equation here.

bresenham_euclidean <- function(beats, steps, start = 1) {
  previous <- start
  pattern <- c()
  for (i in 0:(steps-1)) {
    xVal <- floor((beats / steps) * (i))
    pattern <- c(pattern, ifelse(xVal == previous, 0, 1))
    previous <- xVal

Here’s a 4 on the floor:

bresenham_euclidean(beats = 4, steps = 16, start = 1) 
 [1] 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Here’s 7 beats over 16 steps:

bresenham_euclidean(beats = 7, steps = 16, start = 1) 
 [1] 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

Great it seems to work. I’m tempted to go in a completely different direction and do some killer beats with {midiblender}, but that is too exciting. I will be back one day for the killer beats.

Screw it, what is this blog if not a series of digressions. I think I’ve got enough breadcrumbs to lay down a beat quickly (fingers crossed).


The mp3s sometimes take a bit to load, especially the longer ones.

A basic drum beat

The metric structure for the beat should be easy. I just need to figure out which midi notes are which for the drum sounds.


kick = 36 snare = 38 hihats = 42

Let’s do 4 bars or something like that.

# import midi
# using mario to get the midi headers
# need to add a vanilla midi file to this package for easier importing
mario <- midi_to_object("all_overworld.mid")
list2env(mario, .GlobalEnv) # send objects to global environment

bars <- 8
notes <- 128
ticks <- 96*4*bars

# empty beat matrix
beat_matrix <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=ticks)

#assign kick beats
kick <- bresenham_euclidean(4*bars,ticks, start = 0)
snare <- bresenham_euclidean(2*bars,ticks, start = 0)
hihats <- bresenham_euclidean(16*bars,ticks, start = 0)

# assign to matrix
beat_matrix[(36+1),] <- kick
beat_matrix[(38+1),] <- snare
beat_matrix[(42+1),] <- hihats

# transform back to midi
track_0 <- copy_midi_df_track(midi_df,track_num = 0)

midi_time_df <- matrix_to_midi_time(midi_matrix = beat_matrix,
                                    smallest_time_unit = 1,
                                    note_off_length = 8)

meta_messages_df <- get_midi_meta_df(track_0)

meta_messages_df <- set_midi_tempo_meta(meta_messages_df,update_tempo = 500000)

split_meta_messages_df <- split_meta_df(meta_messages_df)

new_midi_df <- matrix_to_midi_track(midi_time_df = midi_time_df,
                                    split_meta_list = split_meta_messages_df,
                                    channel = 9,
                                    velocity = 100)

#### bounce

# update miditapyr df

#write midi file to disk

# bounce to mp3 with fluid synth

track_name <- "beat"

wav_name <- paste0(track_name,".wav")
midi_name <- paste0(track_name,".mid")
mp3_name <- paste0(track_name,".mp3")

# synthesize midi file to wav with fluid synth
system_command <- glue::glue('fluidsynth -F {wav_name} ~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/FluidR3_GM.sf2 {midi_name}')

# convert wav to mp3

# clean up and delete wav

A basic rock beat.

Spent some time fiddling with this to see if I can get the beats to sounds like my euclidean circles eurorack module. Whatever I was doing wasn’t working, so I’m trying some other stuff.

# import midi
# using mario to get the midi headers
# need to add a vanilla midi file to this package for easier importing
mario <- midi_to_object("all_overworld.mid")
list2env(mario, .GlobalEnv) # send objects to global environment

bars <- 1
notes <- 128
ticks <- 96*4*bars

# empty beat matrix
beat_matrix <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=ticks)

#assign kick beats
kick <- bresenham_euclidean(5, 16, start = 1)
snare <- bresenham_euclidean(2, 16, start = 1)
hihats <- bresenham_euclidean(13, 16, start = 1)

# assign to matrix
beat_matrix[(36+1),seq(1,ticks,ticks/16)] <- kick
beat_matrix[(38+1),seq(1,ticks,ticks/16)] <- snare
beat_matrix[(42+1),seq(1,ticks,ticks/16)] <- hihats

beat_matrix <- cbind(beat_matrix,

# transform back to midi
track_0 <- copy_midi_df_track(midi_df,track_num = 0)

midi_time_df <- matrix_to_midi_time(midi_matrix = beat_matrix,
                                    smallest_time_unit = 1,
                                    note_off_length = 8)

meta_messages_df <- get_midi_meta_df(track_0)

meta_messages_df <- set_midi_tempo_meta(meta_messages_df,update_tempo = 500000)

split_meta_messages_df <- split_meta_df(meta_messages_df)

new_midi_df <- matrix_to_midi_track(midi_time_df = midi_time_df,
                                    split_meta_list = split_meta_messages_df,
                                    channel = 9,
                                    velocity = 100)

#### bounce

# update miditapyr df

#write midi file to disk

# bounce to mp3 with fluid synth

track_name <- "beat_2"

wav_name <- paste0(track_name,".wav")
midi_name <- paste0(track_name,".mid")
mp3_name <- paste0(track_name,".mp3")

# synthesize midi file to wav with fluid synth
system_command <- glue::glue('fluidsynth -F {wav_name} ~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/FluidR3_GM.sf2 {midi_name}')

# convert wav to mp3

# clean up and delete wav

Nice, a little more intrigue, thanks to the euclidean rhythms. I need to spend way more time thinking about better ways to code this. Hmmm…so tempting to do one more.

# import midi
# using mario to get the midi headers
# need to add a vanilla midi file to this package for easier importing
mario <- midi_to_object("all_overworld.mid")
list2env(mario, .GlobalEnv) # send objects to global environment

bars <- 1
notes <- 128
ticks <- 96*4*bars

all_beat_matrix <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=96)

for(i in 1:8) {
  # empty beat matrix
  beat_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = notes, ncol = ticks)
  #assign kick beats
  kick <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  snare <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  hihats <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(8:14,1), 16, start = 1)
  # assign to matrix
  beat_matrix[(36 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- kick
  beat_matrix[(38 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- snare
  beat_matrix[(42 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- hihats
  all_beat_matrix <- cbind(all_beat_matrix, beat_matrix)

# transform back to midi
track_0 <- copy_midi_df_track(midi_df,track_num = 0)

midi_time_df <- matrix_to_midi_time(midi_matrix = all_beat_matrix,
                                    smallest_time_unit = 1,
                                    note_off_length = 8)

meta_messages_df <- get_midi_meta_df(track_0)

meta_messages_df <- set_midi_tempo_meta(meta_messages_df,update_tempo = 500000)

split_meta_messages_df <- split_meta_df(meta_messages_df)

new_midi_df <- matrix_to_midi_track(midi_time_df = midi_time_df,
                                    split_meta_list = split_meta_messages_df,
                                    channel = 9,
                                    velocity = 100)

#### bounce

# update miditapyr df

#write midi file to disk

# bounce to mp3 with fluid synth

track_name <- "beat_3"

wav_name <- paste0(track_name,".wav")
midi_name <- paste0(track_name,".mid")
mp3_name <- paste0(track_name,".mp3")

# synthesize midi file to wav with fluid synth
system_command <- glue::glue('fluidsynth -F {wav_name} ~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/FluidR3_GM.sf2 {midi_name}')

# convert wav to mp3

# clean up and delete wav

Cool, for this one I randomly chose the paramaters for the euclidean sources every bar. Not super groovy, but shows some of the variation you can get from euclidean rhythms. I’ll continue to mess with drums some other time.

Setting notes to euclidean rhythms

Before I try any of that information theory stuff, let’s see if I can set some notes to the euclidean rhythms.

I have a roundabout strategy to do this and a sense it will blend. I’m going to take some inspiration from this code, that I used to generate new sequences from separate vectors for note probability and time probability.

  1. Use euclidean rhythms to generate a bunch of possible time stamps, that should have some mildly OK rhythm.
  2. Get the point estimates for time steps to probabilistically generate rhythm later.
  3. Make a vector of note probabilities
  4. Put them together and listen to it.


  • realizing I don’t have a favorite way of picking individual notes

test for one track 8 bars.

# import midi
# using mario to get the midi headers
# need to add a vanilla midi file to this package for easier importing
mario <- midi_to_object("all_overworld.mid")
list2env(mario, .GlobalEnv) # send objects to global environment

# Sample some beats for timesteps into the matrix
bars <- 1
notes <- 128
ticks <- 96*4*bars

all_beat_matrix <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=96*4)

for(i in 1:8) {
  # empty beat matrix
  beat_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = notes, ncol = ticks)
  #assign kick beats
  kick <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  snare <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  hihats <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(8:16,1), 16, start = 1)
  # assign to matrix
  beat_matrix[(36 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- kick
  beat_matrix[(38 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- snare
  beat_matrix[(42 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- hihats
  all_beat_matrix <- cbind(all_beat_matrix, beat_matrix)

# get the point estimates
time_probabilities <- colSums(all_beat_matrix)/sum(all_beat_matrix)

bar_probabilities <- matrix(time_probabilities,
                            byrow = T)

bar_probabilities <- colMeans(bar_probabilities)

# make my own midi notes df
# add this to midiblender later
midi_notes <- pyramidi::midi_defs %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(note_letter = unlist(strsplit(as.character(note_name),"-"))[1],
         octave = unlist(strsplit(as.character(note_name),"-"))[2])

midi_notes <- tibble(notes = rep(midi_notes[1:12,]$note_letter,11)[1:128],
                     octaves = rep(-1:9, each = 12)[1:128],
                     midi_number = 0:127

song <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=96*4)

# begin bar by bar composition loop

for(i in 1:8){

  # get some notes to sample from fifths around a starting note
  starting_note <- 60 # C4
  fifth_intervals <- c(0, 7, 14, -7, -14)
  notes_to_choose <- starting_note + fifth_intervals
  octave_range <- 2:5
  note_names <- midi_notes %>%
    filter(midi_number %in% notes_to_choose) %>%
  possible_notes <- midi_notes %>%
    filter(notes %in% note_names == TRUE,
           octaves %in% octave_range == TRUE)
  possible_notes <- possible_notes %>%
    mutate(probs = 1 / dim(possible_notes)[1])
  # create probability vector
  pitch_probabilities <- rep(0, 128)
  pitch_probabilities[possible_notes$midi_number + 1] <-
  # get new pitches
  new_pitches <- rbinom(n = length(pitch_probabilities),
                        size = 32,
                        prob = pitch_probabilities)
  new_pitches[new_pitches > 1] <- 1
  # get new times
  new_times <- rbinom(n = length(bar_probabilities),
                      size = 256,
                      prob = bar_probabilities)
  # To Do: come back here and make it ok to have more than 1
  new_times[new_times > 1] <- 1
  # get row column ids
  sampled_notes <- which(new_pitches == 1)
  sampled_times <- which(new_times == 1)
  # combine, make sure equal length
  if (length(sampled_notes) >= length(sampled_times)) {
    sampled_ids <-
      tibble(notes = sampled_notes[1:length(sampled_times)],
             times = sampled_times)
  } else {
    sampled_ids <- tibble(notes = sampled_notes,
                          times = sampled_times[1:length(sampled_notes)])
  # shuffle the notes across the times so the sampling is uniform
  sampled_ids$notes <- sample(sampled_ids$notes)
  # make a note by time unit matrix
  one_bar <- matrix(0,
                    nrow = 128,
                    ncol = 96 * 4)
  # assign 1s to note locations in time
  for (i in 1:dim(sampled_ids)[1]) {
    one_bar[sampled_ids$notes[i], sampled_ids$times[i]] <- 1
  song <- cbind(song,one_bar)

# transform back to midi
track_0 <- copy_midi_df_track(midi_df,track_num = 0)

midi_time_df <- matrix_to_midi_time(midi_matrix = song,
                                    smallest_time_unit = 4,
                                    note_off_length = 32)

meta_messages_df <- get_midi_meta_df(track_0)

meta_messages_df <- set_midi_tempo_meta(meta_messages_df,update_tempo = 500000)

split_meta_messages_df <- split_meta_df(meta_messages_df)

new_midi_df <- matrix_to_midi_track(midi_time_df = midi_time_df,
                                    split_meta_list = split_meta_messages_df,
                                    channel = 0,
                                    velocity = 100)

#### bounce

# update miditapyr df

#write midi file to disk

# bounce to mp3 with fluid synth

track_name <- "fifths"

wav_name <- paste0(track_name,".wav")
midi_name <- paste0(track_name,".mid")
mp3_name <- paste0(track_name,".mp3")

# synthesize midi file to wav with fluid synth
system_command <- glue::glue('fluidsynth -F {wav_name} ~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/FluidR3_GM.sf2 {midi_name}')

# convert wav to mp3

# clean up and delete wav

That worked, but it’s sounds like piano popcorn. Not worth sharing.

I’ve increased number of loops here for multiple tracks. Each track has different note densities. The results are almost listenable, even more so if I put the midi tracks into ableton and give them some more interesting synth voices.

# import midi
# using mario to get the midi headers
# need to add a vanilla midi file to this package for easier importing
mario <- midi_to_object("all_overworld.mid")
list2env(mario, .GlobalEnv) # send objects to global environment

# Sample some beats for timesteps into the matrix
bars <- 1
notes <- 128
ticks <- 96*4*bars

all_beat_matrix <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=96*4)

for(i in 1:8) {
  # empty beat matrix
  beat_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = notes, ncol = ticks)
  #assign kick beats
  kick <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  snare <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  hihats <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(8:16,1), 16, start = 1)
  # assign to matrix
  beat_matrix[(36 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- kick
  beat_matrix[(38 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- snare
  beat_matrix[(42 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- hihats
  all_beat_matrix <- cbind(all_beat_matrix, beat_matrix)

# get the point estimates
time_probabilities <- colSums(all_beat_matrix)/sum(all_beat_matrix)

bar_probabilities <- matrix(time_probabilities,
                            byrow = T)

bar_probabilities <- colMeans(bar_probabilities)

# make my own midi notes df
# add this to midiblender later
midi_notes <- pyramidi::midi_defs %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(note_letter = unlist(strsplit(as.character(note_name),"-"))[1],
         octave = unlist(strsplit(as.character(note_name),"-"))[2])

midi_notes <- tibble(notes = rep(midi_notes[1:12,]$note_letter,11)[1:128],
                     octaves = rep(-1:9, each = 12)[1:128],
                     midi_number = 0:127

all_track_midi <- data.frame()

time_densities <- c(256,128,64)

# track loop
for(t in 1:3){

song <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=1)

# begin bar by bar composition loop

for(i in 1:16){

  # get some notes to sample from fifths around a starting note
  starting_note <- 60 # C4
  fifth_intervals <- c(0, 7, 14, -7, -14)
  notes_to_choose <- starting_note + fifth_intervals
  octave_range <- 3:6
  note_names <- midi_notes %>%
    filter(midi_number %in% notes_to_choose) %>%
  possible_notes <- midi_notes %>%
    filter(notes %in% note_names == TRUE,
           octaves %in% octave_range == TRUE)
  possible_notes <- possible_notes %>%
    mutate(probs = 1 / dim(possible_notes)[1])
  # create probability vector
  pitch_probabilities <- rep(0, 128)
  pitch_probabilities[possible_notes$midi_number + 1] <-
  # get new pitches
  new_pitches <- rbinom(n = length(pitch_probabilities),
                        size = 32,
                        prob = pitch_probabilities)
  new_pitches[new_pitches > 1] <- 1
  # get new times
  new_times <- rbinom(n = length(bar_probabilities),
                      size = time_densities[t],
                      prob = bar_probabilities)
  # To Do: come back here and make it ok to have more than 1
  new_times[new_times > 1] <- 1
  # get row column ids
  sampled_notes <- which(new_pitches == 1)
  sampled_times <- which(new_times == 1)
  # combine, make sure equal length
  if (length(sampled_notes) >= length(sampled_times)) {
    sampled_ids <-
      tibble(notes = sampled_notes[1:length(sampled_times)],
             times = sampled_times)
  } else {
    sampled_ids <- tibble(notes = sampled_notes,
                          times = sampled_times[1:length(sampled_notes)])
  # shuffle the notes across the times so the sampling is uniform
  sampled_ids$notes <- sample(sampled_ids$notes)
  # make a note by time unit matrix
  one_bar <- matrix(0,
                    nrow = 128,
                    ncol = 96 * 4)
  # assign 1s to note locations in time
  for (r in 1:dim(sampled_ids)[1]) {
    one_bar[sampled_ids$notes[r], sampled_ids$times[r]] <- 1
  song <- cbind(song,one_bar)

# transform back to midi
track_0 <- copy_midi_df_track(midi_df,track_num = 0)

midi_time_df <- matrix_to_midi_time(midi_matrix = song,
                                    smallest_time_unit = 1,
                                    note_off_length = 32)

meta_messages_df <- get_midi_meta_df(track_0)

meta_messages_df <- set_midi_tempo_meta(meta_messages_df,update_tempo = 500000)

split_meta_messages_df <- split_meta_df(meta_messages_df)

new_midi_df <- matrix_to_midi_track(midi_time_df = midi_time_df,
                                    split_meta_list = split_meta_messages_df,
                                    channel = 0,
                                    velocity = 100)
new_midi_df <- new_midi_df %>%
  mutate(i_track = t)

all_track_midi <- rbind(all_track_midi,

#### bounce

# update miditapyr df

#write midi file to disk

# bounce to mp3 with fluid synth

track_name <- "fifths"

wav_name <- paste0(track_name,".wav")
midi_name <- paste0(track_name,".mid")
mp3_name <- paste0(track_name,".mp3")

# synthesize midi file to wav with fluid synth
system_command <- glue::glue('fluidsynth -F {wav_name} ~/Library/Audio/Sounds/Banks/FluidR3_GM.sf2 {midi_name}')

# convert wav to mp3

# clean up and delete wav

This was fun, even if my eyes are bleeding from the wall of code. I put the three tracks generated here into Ableton, assigned them some synth voices, added a couple drum beats, slowed down the tempo, and it sounds like this:

This one is louder than the others, not super loud, but louder

I didn’t get to all of my goals. I still need to come back and change the probability of different notes so they aren’t uniform. Right now all the pitches were uniformly sampled each time. The result is OK, but I want to hear other versions sampled from non-uniform distributions.

At this point I think I’ve basically recreated something like what Marbles by Mutable Instruments is doing. I could have probably done this in eurorack. And, that would have been fun too.

Time to take a break.

Pseudo Composition code

The above is what I would consider my first attempt at composing generative sequences in R. Taking a couple minutes here to write pseudo code on what it was that happened in the code.

  1. Import a MIDI file
  2. Run euclidean rhythms into a matrix for a while to get point estimates for rhythm time steps. Turn this into a vector of time probabilities.
  3. Begin a Track Composition loop
  • Loop for each of 3 tracks
    • Begin a Bar composition Loop
      • Loop for 16 bars
      • pick a collection of notes
      • assign probability of occurrence
      • generate time stamps, and notes from time and note probability vectors
      • Combine them together
      • put them in a one_bar matrix
    • put all the bars into a midi_df, setting i_track to the track number

It was helpful to summarize the code this morning. It’s unlikely I will begin any re-factoring, but it’s easier to see where I could make this more compact and less of a wall of code.

Randomly sampling note probability distributions

The above code samples notes from some collection, like {C, F, G, Bb, D} with equal proportion. I’d like to at least start with making the proportions unequal, and have this move around a bit over bars. Whatever note has the highest proportion might take on the tonal center of the evolving sequence.

A next step would be to expand and contract the note collection, and have it rotate around the circle of fifths.

This seems to work. I’m grabbing a colleciton of notes, using a simple vector, like 1,2,3,4,5, to set note frequencies. That can be multiplied to change the ratio of most to least frequent. The frequency vector is converted to a probability vector later. Every bar, the ordering of the probalities as they apply to notes is randomized. That could be too fast moving to really notice differences. Need to explore this a little bit.

# import midi
# using mario to get the midi headers
# need to add a vanilla midi file to this package for easier importing
mario <- midi_to_object("all_overworld.mid")
list2env(mario, .GlobalEnv) # send objects to global environment

# Sample some beats for timesteps into the matrix
bars <- 1
notes <- 128
ticks <- 96*4*bars

all_beat_matrix <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=96*4)

for(i in 1:8) {
  # empty beat matrix
  beat_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = notes, ncol = ticks)
  #assign kick beats
  kick <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  snare <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  hihats <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(8:16,1), 16, start = 1)
  # assign to matrix
  beat_matrix[(36 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- kick
  beat_matrix[(38 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- snare
  beat_matrix[(42 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- hihats
  all_beat_matrix <- cbind(all_beat_matrix, beat_matrix)

# get the point estimates
time_probabilities <- colSums(all_beat_matrix)/sum(all_beat_matrix)

bar_probabilities <- matrix(time_probabilities,
                            byrow = T)

bar_probabilities <- colMeans(bar_probabilities)

# make my own midi notes df
# add this to midiblender later
midi_notes <- pyramidi::midi_defs %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(note_letter = unlist(strsplit(as.character(note_name),"-"))[1],
         octave = unlist(strsplit(as.character(note_name),"-"))[2])

midi_notes <- tibble(notes = rep(midi_notes[1:12,]$note_letter,11)[1:128],
                     octaves = rep(-1:9, each = 12)[1:128],
                     midi_number = 0:127

# Empty data frame to hold midi track dfs
all_track_midi <- data.frame()

# paramaters that get changed for every track

time_densities <- c(256,128,64) # controls number of notes per bar 

# track loop
for(t in 1:3){

song <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=1)

# begin bar by bar composition loop

for(i in 1:16){

  # get some notes to sample from fifths around a starting note
  starting_note <- 60 # C4
  fifth_intervals <- c(0, 7, 14, -7, -14)
  notes_to_choose <- starting_note + fifth_intervals
  octave_range <- 3:6
  # starting to bias note sampling here
  note_frequencies <- sample(1:length(fifth_intervals)*2) 
  # pair the frequencies with the notes
  note_names <- midi_notes %>%
    filter(midi_number %in% notes_to_choose) %>%
    select(notes) %>%
    mutate(note_frequencies = note_frequencies)
  # get all possible notes across octaves in collection
  possible_notes <- midi_notes %>%
    filter(notes %in% note_names$notes == TRUE,
           octaves %in% octave_range == TRUE) %>%
    # add note frequencies
    left_join(note_names,by="notes") %>%
    mutate(probs = note_frequencies/sum(note_frequencies))
  # create probability vector
  pitch_probabilities <- rep(0, 128)
  pitch_probabilities[possible_notes$midi_number + 1] <-
  # get new pitches
  new_pitches <- rbinom(n = length(pitch_probabilities),
                        size = 32,
                        prob = pitch_probabilities)
  new_pitches[new_pitches > 1] <- 1
  # get new times
  new_times <- rbinom(n = length(bar_probabilities),
                      size = time_densities[t],
                      prob = bar_probabilities)
  # To Do: come back here and make it ok to have more than 1
  new_times[new_times > 1] <- 1
  # get row column ids
  sampled_notes <- which(new_pitches == 1)
  sampled_times <- which(new_times == 1)
  # combine, make sure equal length
  if (length(sampled_notes) >= length(sampled_times)) {
    sampled_ids <-
      tibble(notes = sampled_notes[1:length(sampled_times)],
             times = sampled_times)
  } else {
    sampled_ids <- tibble(notes = sampled_notes,
                          times = sampled_times[1:length(sampled_notes)])
  # shuffle the notes across the times so the sampling is uniform
  sampled_ids$notes <- sample(sampled_ids$notes)
  # make a note by time unit matrix
  one_bar <- matrix(0,
                    nrow = 128,
                    ncol = 96 * 4)
  # assign 1s to note locations in time
  for (r in 1:dim(sampled_ids)[1]) {
    one_bar[sampled_ids$notes[r], sampled_ids$times[r]] <- 1
  song <- cbind(song,one_bar)

# transform back to midi
track_0 <- copy_midi_df_track(midi_df,track_num = 0)

midi_time_df <- matrix_to_midi_time(midi_matrix = song,
                                    smallest_time_unit = 1,
                                    note_off_length = 32)

meta_messages_df <- get_midi_meta_df(track_0)

meta_messages_df <- set_midi_tempo_meta(meta_messages_df,update_tempo = 500000)

split_meta_messages_df <- split_meta_df(meta_messages_df)

new_midi_df <- matrix_to_midi_track(midi_time_df = midi_time_df,
                                    split_meta_list = split_meta_messages_df,
                                    channel = 0,
                                    velocity = 100)
new_midi_df <- new_midi_df %>%
  mutate(i_track = t)

all_track_midi <- rbind(all_track_midi,

#### bounce

# update miditapyr df

#write midi file to disk

# using Ableton for sounds

At some point I put three tracks into Ableton and chose some synth voices.

Expanding/reducing the note collection

Increased the number of tracks to 4. Every bar the number of notes that can get sampled is randomly varied from a collection of notes around the circle of fifths. I didn’t yet get the composition spinning around the circle, but I’m skipping that for now.

# import midi
# using mario to get the midi headers
# need to add a vanilla midi file to this package for easier importing
mario <- midi_to_object("all_overworld.mid")
list2env(mario, .GlobalEnv) # send objects to global environment

# Sample some beats for timesteps into the matrix
bars <- 1
notes <- 128
ticks <- 96*4*bars

all_beat_matrix <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=96*4)

for(i in 1:8) {
  # empty beat matrix
  beat_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = notes, ncol = ticks)
  #assign kick beats
  kick <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  snare <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(2:7,1), 16, start = 1)
  hihats <- bresenham_euclidean(sample(8:16,1), 16, start = 1)
  # assign to matrix
  beat_matrix[(36 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- kick
  beat_matrix[(38 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- snare
  beat_matrix[(42 + 1), seq(1, ticks, ticks / 16)] <- hihats
  all_beat_matrix <- cbind(all_beat_matrix, beat_matrix)

# get the point estimates
time_probabilities <- colSums(all_beat_matrix)/sum(all_beat_matrix)

bar_probabilities <- matrix(time_probabilities,
                            byrow = T)

bar_probabilities <- colMeans(bar_probabilities)

# make my own midi notes df
# add this to midiblender later
midi_notes <- pyramidi::midi_defs %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(note_letter = unlist(strsplit(as.character(note_name),"-"))[1],
         octave = unlist(strsplit(as.character(note_name),"-"))[2])

midi_notes <- tibble(notes = rep(midi_notes[1:12,]$note_letter,11)[1:128],
                     octaves = rep(-1:9, each = 12)[1:128],
                     midi_number = 0:127

# Empty data frame to hold midi track dfs
all_track_midi <- data.frame()

# paramaters that get changed for every track

time_densities <- c(512,256,128,64) # controls number of notes per bar 

# track loop
for(t in 1:4){

song <- matrix(0,nrow=notes,ncol=1)

# begin bar by bar composition loop

for(i in 1:32){

  # get some notes to sample from fifths around a starting note
  starting_note <- 60 # C4
  fifth_intervals <- c(0, 7, 14, -7, -14, 21, -21)
  # size of collection now changes every bar
  notes_to_choose <- starting_note + sample(fifth_intervals,sample(3:7,1))
  octave_range <- 3:6
  # starting to bias note sampling here
  note_frequencies <- sample(1:length(notes_to_choose)*2) 
  # pair the frequencies with the notes
  note_names <- midi_notes %>%
    filter(midi_number %in% notes_to_choose) %>%
    select(notes) %>%
    mutate(note_frequencies = note_frequencies)
  # get all possible notes across octaves in collection
  possible_notes <- midi_notes %>%
    filter(notes %in% note_names$notes == TRUE,
           octaves %in% octave_range == TRUE) %>%
    # add note frequencies
    left_join(note_names,by="notes") %>%
    mutate(probs = note_frequencies/sum(note_frequencies))
  # create probability vector
  pitch_probabilities <- rep(0, 128)
  pitch_probabilities[possible_notes$midi_number + 1] <-
  # get new pitches
  new_pitches <- rbinom(n = length(pitch_probabilities),
                        size = 32,
                        prob = pitch_probabilities)
  new_pitches[new_pitches > 1] <- 1
  # get new times
  new_times <- rbinom(n = length(bar_probabilities),
                      size = time_densities[t],
                      prob = bar_probabilities)
  # To Do: come back here and make it ok to have more than 1
  new_times[new_times > 1] <- 1
  # make a note by time unit matrix
    one_bar <- matrix(0,
                      nrow = 128,
                      ncol = 96 * 4)
  if(sum(new_times) > 1){
    # get row column ids
    sampled_notes <- which(new_pitches == 1)
    sampled_times <- which(new_times == 1)
    # combine, make sure equal length
    if (length(sampled_notes) >= length(sampled_times)) {
      sampled_ids <-
        tibble(notes = sampled_notes[1:length(sampled_times)],
               times = sampled_times)
    } else {
      sampled_ids <- tibble(notes = sampled_notes,
                            times = sampled_times[1:length(sampled_notes)])
    # shuffle the notes across the times so the sampling is uniform
    sampled_ids$notes <- sample(sampled_ids$notes)
    # assign 1s to note locations in time
    for (r in 1:dim(sampled_ids)[1]) {
      one_bar[sampled_ids$notes[r], sampled_ids$times[r]] <- 1
  song <- cbind(song,one_bar)

# transform back to midi
track_0 <- copy_midi_df_track(midi_df,track_num = 0)

midi_time_df <- matrix_to_midi_time(midi_matrix = song,
                                    smallest_time_unit = 1,
                                    note_off_length = 32)

meta_messages_df <- get_midi_meta_df(track_0)

meta_messages_df <- set_midi_tempo_meta(meta_messages_df,update_tempo = 500000)

split_meta_messages_df <- split_meta_df(meta_messages_df)

new_midi_df <- matrix_to_midi_track(midi_time_df = midi_time_df,
                                    split_meta_list = split_meta_messages_df,
                                    channel = 0,
                                    velocity = 100)
new_midi_df <- new_midi_df %>%
  mutate(i_track = t)

all_track_midi <- rbind(all_track_midi,

#### bounce

# update miditapyr df

#write midi file to disk

# using Ableton for sounds

This one is again using ableton for sounds, with a little bit more care taken to make it sound mildly interesting. Had fun. Still sounds like halting robot music that drones on without much change in direction.

Alright, finished here for now.


Toussaint, Godfried. 2005. “The Euclidean Algorithm Generates Traditional Musical Rhythms.” In, 4756.