from diffusers import DiffusionPipelinefrom transformers import set_seedfrom PIL import Imageimport torchimport randomimport sslimport osssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context#locate library#model_id = "./stable-diffusion-v1-5"model_id ="dreamshaper-xl-turbo"pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( pretrained_model_name_or_path ="../../../../bigFiles/huggingface/dreamshaper-xl-turbo/")pipeline ="mps")# Recommended if your computer has < 64 GB of RAMpipeline.enable_attention_slicing("max")prompt ="piano chord. 3d sphere. piano sphere. retro. 80s cartoon."for s inrange(30):for n in [5,10]: seed = s+21 num_steps = n+1 set_seed(seed) image = pipeline(prompt,height =1024,width =1024,num_images_per_prompt =1,num_inference_steps=num_steps) image_name ="images/synth_{}_{}.jpeg" image_save = image.images[0].save(image_name.format(seed,num_steps))
piano chord. 3d sphere. piano sphere. retro. 80s cartoon. - Dreamshaper v7
My previous graphs of chord space have been 2-dimensional. I haven’t looked at the eigendecomposition of the similarity matrix, so I’m not sure how many “meaningful” dimensions there are here. Nevertheless, there are more dimensions than implied by the 2d graph. I’ve been meaning to use MDS to create a 3d plot, and that’s what I’m doing here, hopefully with plotly so it can be spun around interactively in the browser.
Chord sphere
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library(tidyverse)# pre-processing to get the chord vectors# load chord vectorsc_chord_excel <- rio::import("chord_vectors.xlsx")# grab feature vectorsc_chord_matrix <-as.matrix(c_chord_excel[,4:15])# assign row names to the third column containing chord namesrow.names(c_chord_matrix) <- c_chord_excel[,3]# define all keyskeys <-c("C","Db","D","Eb","E","F","Gb","G","Ab","A","Bb","B")# the excel sheet only has chords in C# loop through the keys, permute the matrix to get the chords in the next key# add the permuted matrix to new rows in the overall chord_matrixfor (i in1:length(keys)) {if (i ==1) {# initialize chord_matrix with C matrix chord_matrix <- c_chord_matrix } else {#permute the matrix as a function of iterator new_matrix <-cbind(c_chord_matrix[, (14-i):12],c_chord_matrix[, 1:(13-i)] )# rename the rows with the new key new_names <-gsub("C", keys[i], c_chord_excel[,3])row.names(new_matrix) <- new_names# append the new_matrix to chord_matrix chord_matrix <-rbind(chord_matrix,new_matrix) }}chord_properties <-tibble(type =rep(c_chord_excel$type,length(keys)),key =rep(keys, each =dim(c_chord_matrix)[1]),chord_names =row.names(chord_matrix),synonyms =list(NA),database_chord =FALSE)first_order <- lsa::cosine(t(chord_matrix))# find repeats and build synonym listrepeat_indices <-c()first_occurrence <-c()for(i in1:dim(chord_matrix)[1]){# get the current row evaluate_row <- first_order[i,]# don't count the current item as a repeat evaluate_row[i] <-0# repeats are the ids for any other 1s found repeats <-which(evaluate_row ==1 )if(length(repeats) ==0){ }if(length(repeats) >0){#add to list of repeat items repeat_indices <-c(repeat_indices,repeats)# add synonyms chord_properties$synonyms[i] <-list(synonyms =row.names(chord_matrix)[repeats]) }if(i %in% first_occurrence ==FALSE){if(i %in% repeat_indices ==FALSE){ first_occurrence <-c(first_occurrence,i) chord_properties$database_chord[i] <-TRUE } }}chord_properties <- chord_properties %>%mutate(num_notes =rowSums(chord_matrix),id =1:dim(chord_matrix)[1])# keep only unique chord, recompute similaritieschord_matrix_no_repeats <- chord_matrix[first_occurrence,]first_order_no_repeats <- lsa::cosine(t(chord_matrix_no_repeats))second_order_no_repeats <- lsa::cosine(first_order_no_repeats)# remove scales and individual notesonly_chords <- chord_properties %>%filter(type!="scale", type!="key", database_chord ==TRUE)first_order_chords <- first_order_no_repeats[only_chords$chord_names, only_chords$chord_names]second_order_chords <- second_order_no_repeats[only_chords$chord_names, only_chords$chord_names]
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library(ggplot2)library(ggrepel)library(plotly)library(bslib)mds_first_order <-cmdscale((first_order-1),k=3)mds_first_order <-as_tibble(mds_first_order) %>%cbind(chord_properties) %>%mutate(bold_me =case_when(type =="key"~8, type !="key"~7)) %>%filter(type %in%c("scale","other") ==FALSE, num_notes <=4)fig <-plot_ly(mds_first_order, x =~V1, y =~V2, z =~V3, color =~type, mode='text', text =~chord_names)fig |> bslib::card(full_screen =TRUE)
I took out a bunch of chords so this was easier to look at. The plotly graph should go full screen and has some controls for spinning the sphere around and zooming in etc. If you click the names in the legend you can hide or show the corresponding chords, which can make it easier to see how things shake out.
In terms of the circle of fifths, the new z dimension puts 6 of them up top, and 6 of them down below. Within the X-Y plane, there are two alternating circles of fifths (CDEGbAbBb, and FGABDbEb).