Listening to complex tones using sine waves and toneR
computer music
R music
An experiment in listening to similar chord patterns as complex tones, and side adventures.
Matt Crump
January 24, 2024
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from diffusers import DiffusionPipelinefrom transformers import set_seedfrom PIL import Imageimport torchimport randomimport sslimport osssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context#locate library#model_id = "./stable-diffusion-v1-5"model_id ="dreamshaper-xl-turbo"pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( pretrained_model_name_or_path ="../../../../bigFiles/huggingface/dreamshaper-xl-turbo/")pipeline ="mps")# Recommended if your computer has < 64 GB of RAMpipeline.enable_attention_slicing("max")prompt ="sine waves. nature. brilliant. sunset. ocean. frequency. complex"for s inrange(30):for n in [5,10]: seed = s+21 num_steps = n+1 set_seed(seed) image = pipeline(prompt,height =1024,width =1024,num_images_per_prompt =1,num_inference_steps=num_steps) image_name ="images/synth_{}_{}.jpeg" image_save = image.images[0].save(image_name.format(seed,num_steps))
musical pattern. music wallpaper. intense music trip. music everywhere. - Dreamshaper v7
In previous posts I’ve been messing around with analyzing chord similarity using a vector space. My plan for this post is render chords as complex tones using R and the {toneR} package, and then listen to things.
The code for this is taking me back to grad school. I used to run experiments involving complex tones with missing fundamentals, and I used Matlab to create those tones from sine waves.
Here’s some R code will generate a complex tone as a sum of a series of sine waves, each at different frequencies and amplitudes.
The result is a C7 chord, rendered as a complex tone, with the frequency for each note getting equal amplitude in the summed sine wave.
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library(tuneR)# Function to generate a complex tonegenerate_complex_tone <-function(duration, sampling_rate, frequencies, amplitudes) { time_points <-seq(0, duration, 1/ sampling_rate) complex_tone <-sapply(seq_along(frequencies), function(i) { amplitudes[i] *sin(2* pi * frequencies[i] * time_points) } )return(rowSums(complex_tone)) }# Set parametersduration <-5# secondssampling_rate <-44100# Hz (standard audio sampling rate)frequencies <-c(261.63, # Middle C, frequencies of sine waves in Hz277.18, # D293.66,311.13,329.63,349.23,369.99,392,415.3,440,466.16,493.88)# set amplitudes# 12 amplitudes, one for each note from C to B# this makes a C7 chordamplitudes <-c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0)# Generate complex tonecomplex_tone <-generate_complex_tone(duration, sampling_rate, frequencies, amplitudes)# normalize for 16 bitcomplex_tone <- complex_tone /max(abs(complex_tone))complex_tone <- complex_tone *32767# use tuneR to convert to wavewave <-Wave(left = complex_tone,right = complex_tone,samp.rate = sampling_rate,bit =16)writeWave(wave,"C7.wav")
A series of similar chords
I’m pretty sure what I’m about to make is going to sound janky, oh well.
Step 1: load in the chord vector space I’ve been using to compute similarities between chord patterns.
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library(tidyverse)# pre-processing to get the chord vectors# load chord vectorsc_chord_excel <- rio::import("chord_vectors.xlsx")# grab feature vectorsc_chord_matrix <-as.matrix(c_chord_excel[,4:15])# assign row names to the third column containing chord namesrow.names(c_chord_matrix) <- c_chord_excel[,3]# define all keyskeys <-c("C","Db","D","Eb","E","F","Gb","G","Ab","A","Bb","B")# the excel sheet only has chords in C# loop through the keys, permute the matrix to get the chords in the next key# add the permuted matrix to new rows in the overall chord_matrixfor (i in1:length(keys)) {if (i ==1) {# initialize chord_matrix with C matrix chord_matrix <- c_chord_matrix } else {#permute the matrix as a function of iterator new_matrix <-cbind(c_chord_matrix[, (14-i):12],c_chord_matrix[, 1:(13-i)] )# rename the rows with the new key new_names <-gsub("C", keys[i], c_chord_excel[,3])row.names(new_matrix) <- new_names# append the new_matrix to chord_matrix chord_matrix <-rbind(chord_matrix,new_matrix) }}
Step 2: compute the cosine similarities between all chords
Step 3: Pick a starting chord and get the list of all other chords, ordered in terms of decreasing similarity. I’ll start with C7. This also prints the first 10, but I there are hundreds more in a row. Also using second-order similarity here for fun.
Step 4: This is what I’ve been waiting for. Time for some teeny tiny steps. Basically, the plan is to generate a complex tone for each chord, in order of decreasing similarity, then stitch them together and then listen to them.
I’m going to experiment with some of the parameters, like duration, and see what happens. Let’s also try the first 10 chords.
Issue tracker: - try shorter duration per chord - clicks between tones need smoothing - add amplitude envelopes at beginning and end - learned about the {av} package! looks like a wrapper for ffmpeg, can use this to convert wavs to mp3
# Set parametersduration <-1# secondssampling_rate <-44100# Hz (standard audio sampling rate)frequencies <-c(261.63, # Middle C, frequencies of sine waves in Hz277.18, # D293.66,311.13,329.63,349.23,369.99,392,415.3,440,466.16,493.88)# loop through chordsfor(i in1:20) { amplitudes <- chord_matrix[names(chord_similarities[i]),]# Generate complex tone complex_tone <-generate_complex_tone(duration, sampling_rate, frequencies, amplitudes)# normalize for 16 bit complex_tone <- complex_tone /max(abs(complex_tone)) complex_tone <- complex_tone *32767 complex_tone <-vector_envelope(complex_tone,.5)if(i ==1){ tone_series <- complex_tone } else {##smoothing smooth <-round(length(complex_tone)*.1) tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] <- (tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] + complex_tone[1:smooth]) tone_series <-c(tone_series, complex_tone[(smooth+1):length(complex_tone)])#tone_series <- c(tone_series,complex_tone) }}# use tuneR to convert to wavewave <-Wave(left = tone_series,right = tone_series,samp.rate = sampling_rate,bit =16)sound_name <-"C7_series_10"writeWave(wave,paste0(sound_name,".wav"))av::av_audio_convert(paste0(sound_name,".wav"),paste0(sound_name,".mp3"), verbose=FALSE)file.remove(paste0(sound_name,".wav"))
This one runs through the first 20 most similar chords to C7. The chords don’transition super smoothly (no portamento), but I got rid of then clicks using envelopes. It’s been a while since I did the math for audio signal processing. The last 10 or so chords all sound the same because the database has lots of chord identities (same note pattern under a different name).
More experiments
Remove identical chord patterns
I botched this so many times…kept coming back to fix little problems.
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chord_properties <-tibble(type =rep(c_chord_excel$type,length(keys)),key =rep(keys, each =dim(c_chord_matrix)[1]),chord_names =row.names(chord_matrix),synonyms =list(NA))# find repeats and build synonym listrepeat_indices <-c()chord_names <-list()first_occurrence <-c()for(i in1:dim(first_order)[1]){# get the current row evaluate_row <- first_order[i,]# don't count the current item as a repeat evaluate_row[i] <-0# repeats are the ids for any other 1s found repeats <-which(evaluate_row ==1 )if(length(repeats) ==0){ }if(length(repeats) >0){#add to list of repeat items repeat_indices <-c(repeat_indices,repeats)# add synonyms chord_properties$synonyms[i] <-list(synonyms =row.names(first_order)[repeats]) }if(i %in% first_occurrence ==FALSE){if(i %in% repeat_indices ==FALSE){ first_occurrence <-c(first_occurrence,i) } }}# remove repeats, recompute similaritieschord_matrix_no_repeats <- chord_matrix[first_occurrence,]first_order_no_repeats <- lsa::cosine(t(chord_matrix_no_repeats))second_order_no_repeats <- lsa::cosine(first_order_no_repeats)
Listen to C7 in descending similarity with no repeat chords.
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chord_similarities <-sort(second_order_no_repeats['C7',],decreasing=T)# Set parametersduration <-1# secondssampling_rate <-44100# Hz (standard audio sampling rate)frequencies <-c(261.63, # Middle C, frequencies of sine waves in Hz277.18, # D293.66,311.13,329.63,349.23,369.99,392,415.3,440,466.16,493.88)# loop through chordsfor(i in1:30) { amplitudes <- chord_matrix[names(chord_similarities[i]),]# Generate complex tone complex_tone <-generate_complex_tone(duration, sampling_rate, frequencies, amplitudes)# normalize for 16 bit complex_tone <- complex_tone /max(abs(complex_tone)) complex_tone <- complex_tone *32767 complex_tone <-vector_envelope(complex_tone,.5)if(i ==1){ tone_series <- complex_tone } else {##smoothing smooth <-round(length(complex_tone)*.1) tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] <- (tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] + complex_tone[1:smooth]) tone_series <-c(tone_series, complex_tone[(smooth+1):length(complex_tone)])#tone_series <- c(tone_series,complex_tone) }}# use tuneR to convert to wavewave <-Wave(left = tone_series,right = tone_series,samp.rate = sampling_rate,bit =16)sound_name <-"C7_series_30"writeWave(wave,paste0(sound_name,".wav"))av::av_audio_convert(paste0(sound_name,".wav"),paste0(sound_name,".mp3"), verbose=FALSE)file.remove(paste0(sound_name,".wav"))
Taking bigger steps (10) between each chord in terms of similarity.
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chord_similarities <-sort(second_order_no_repeats['C7',],decreasing=T)# Set parametersduration <-1# secondssampling_rate <-44100# Hz (standard audio sampling rate)frequencies <-c(261.63, # Middle C, frequencies of sine waves in Hz277.18, # D293.66,311.13,329.63,349.23,369.99,392,415.3,440,466.16,493.88)# loop through chordsfor(i inseq(1,300,10)) { amplitudes <- chord_matrix[names(chord_similarities[i]),]# Generate complex tone complex_tone <-generate_complex_tone(duration, sampling_rate, frequencies, amplitudes)# normalize for 16 bit complex_tone <- complex_tone /max(abs(complex_tone)) complex_tone <- complex_tone *32767 complex_tone <-vector_envelope(complex_tone,.5)if(i ==1){ tone_series <- complex_tone } else {##smoothing smooth <-round(length(complex_tone)*.1) tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] <- (tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] + complex_tone[1:smooth]) tone_series <-c(tone_series, complex_tone[(smooth+1):length(complex_tone)])#tone_series <- c(tone_series,complex_tone) }}# use tuneR to convert to wavewave <-Wave(left = tone_series,right = tone_series,samp.rate = sampling_rate,bit =16)sound_name <-"C7_series_30b"writeWave(wave,paste0(sound_name,".wav"))av::av_audio_convert(paste0(sound_name,".wav"),paste0(sound_name,".mp3"), verbose=FALSE)file.remove(paste0(sound_name,".wav"))
Mildly interesting. These sine waves are tough on the ears though.
The chord vectors only have 12 features, so they abstract over note positions, chord inversions, voicings, octaves, etc. These experiments might sound more interesting if I randomly assigned frequencies to different octaves to spread out the sound a little bit.
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chord_similarities <-sort(second_order_no_repeats['C7',],decreasing=T)# Set parametersduration <-1# secondssampling_rate <-44100# Hz (standard audio sampling rate)frequencies <-c(261.63, # Middle C, frequencies of sine waves in Hz277.18, # D293.66,311.13,329.63,349.23,369.99,392,415.3,440,466.16,493.88)# loop through chordsfor(i inseq(1,300,10)) { amplitudes <- chord_matrix[names(chord_similarities[i]),] random_frequencies <-sample(c(.5,1,2),12,replace=TRUE) *frequencies# Generate complex tone complex_tone <-generate_complex_tone(duration, sampling_rate, random_frequencies, amplitudes)# normalize for 16 bit complex_tone <- complex_tone /max(abs(complex_tone)) complex_tone <- complex_tone *32767 complex_tone <-vector_envelope(complex_tone,.5)if(i ==1){ tone_series <- complex_tone } else {##smoothing smooth <-round(length(complex_tone)*.1) tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] <- (tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] + complex_tone[1:smooth]) tone_series <-c(tone_series, complex_tone[(smooth+1):length(complex_tone)])#tone_series <- c(tone_series,complex_tone) }}# use tuneR to convert to wavewave <-Wave(left = tone_series,right = tone_series,samp.rate = sampling_rate,bit =16)sound_name <-"C7_series_30c"writeWave(wave,paste0(sound_name,".wav"))av::av_audio_convert(paste0(sound_name,".wav"),paste0(sound_name,".mp3"), verbose=FALSE)file.remove(paste0(sound_name,".wav"))
sounds more interesting. need to refactor the code a bit so I delete the wav file and save the mp3
Let’s start somewhere out there, and then move toward C7.
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chord_similarities <-sort(second_order_no_repeats['C7',],decreasing=T)# Set parametersduration <-1# secondssampling_rate <-44100# Hz (standard audio sampling rate)frequencies <-c(261.63, # Middle C, frequencies of sine waves in Hz277.18, # D293.66,311.13,329.63,349.23,369.99,392,415.3,440,466.16,493.88)# loop through chordscounter <-0for(i inseq(301,1,-5)) { counter <- counter+1 amplitudes <- chord_matrix[names(chord_similarities[i]),] random_frequencies <-sample(c(.5,1,2),12,replace=TRUE) *frequencies# Generate complex tone complex_tone <-generate_complex_tone(duration, sampling_rate, random_frequencies, amplitudes)# normalize for 16 bit complex_tone <- complex_tone /max(abs(complex_tone)) complex_tone <- complex_tone *32767 complex_tone <-vector_envelope(complex_tone,.5)if(counter ==1){ tone_series <- complex_tone } else {##smoothing smooth <-round(length(complex_tone)*.1) tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] <- (tone_series[(length(tone_series)-(smooth-1)):length(tone_series)] + complex_tone[1:smooth]) tone_series <-c(tone_series, complex_tone[(smooth+1):length(complex_tone)])#tone_series <- c(tone_series,complex_tone) }}# use tuneR to convert to wavewave <-Wave(left = tone_series,right = tone_series,samp.rate = sampling_rate,bit =16)sound_name <-"C7_series_30d"writeWave(wave,paste0(sound_name,".wav"))av::av_audio_convert(paste0(sound_name,".wav"),paste0(sound_name,".mp3"), verbose=FALSE)file.remove(paste0(sound_name,".wav"))
That goes for almost a minute, not sure If I got the feeling I was headed toward C7.
Stepping distances between chords
NOTE: This section is rough because I keep going back and fixing code, and the answers change.
I was going to start working on an endless chord progression algorithm, but I realized I needed to pause and figure this out instead.
The issue is to consider movement from one chord to another in the vector space. In the above examples I was moving away from C7 or toward C7, simply on the basis of the similarity scores from other chords.
What if I wanted to move between two different chords, say a C major triad, and a G major triad.
It’s still the morning, so my vector space math isn’t totally working.
I’m at C major triad in the multi-dimensional vector space. I see G major triad over there as another point in vector space. I could go straight there. Or, I could go anywhere else from C before going to G. With those options out of the way, let’s do equal-interval steps.
Starting simple. Choose the C major chord, sort it by decreasing similarity. Find, the G major triad in the list. Print the chord that is halfway between the two.
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starting_chord_similarities <-sort(second_order_no_repeats["C major triad",],decreasing = T)target_id <-which(names(starting_chord_similarities) =='G major triad')middle_chord <- starting_chord_similarities[round(target_id/2)]print(middle_chord)
This one works fine between C and G
another mistake:I had made a mistake earlier in the code that removed repeats, I previously got a D 9 (13), which sounded good. The Dm13(#11) is harded on the ears.
From before the fix: I played C major triad, D 9 (13), and G major triad on a piano and it sounded great! Neat.
I’m curious what some of the other chords near this spot are like.
After another fix, mostly look fine. Good that there are good options!
After fix: The Ab∆9 sounds great in between C and G. The Eb7(b9) works very well. I was almost worried this would start breaking, but still sounding good.
From before the fix: Nice, all of those work pretty well. I might need to switch gears today and make a tool to compute these while I’m at the piano.
But let’s persist a little longer.
What if we want to get there in more equal interval steps.
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starting_chord_similarities <-sort(second_order_no_repeats["C major triad",],decreasing = T)target_id <-which(names(starting_chord_similarities) =='G major triad')num_steps <-3progression <- starting_chord_similarities[floor(seq(1,target_id,length.out=2+num_steps ))]print(progression)
C major triad Edim(∆7) Cm13 Db7#11#9 G major triad
1.0000000 0.8453354 0.8109059 0.7797304 0.7312787
This is pretty cool, damn. Sometimes I’m getting back scales instead of chords, so I’d need to clean this up a little bit.
I’m using existing chords in the space as the locations for intermediate chords. It would be interesting to add a little noise into the process so that some the chords are not quite “right”. Also, interesting to explore unequal steps.
The method I’m using is not necessarily finding the exact middle between two chords in chord space, but that’s OK these ones sound good.
Also, not necessarily getting symmetrical answers. fun.
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starting_chord_similarities <-sort(second_order_no_repeats["G major triad",],decreasing = T)target_id <-which(names(starting_chord_similarities) =='C major triad')num_steps <-3progression <- starting_chord_similarities[floor(seq(1,target_id,length.out=2+num_steps ))]print(progression)
G major triad Bdim(∆7) C Mixolydian Ab7#11#9 C major triad
1.0000000 0.8453354 0.8109059 0.7797304 0.7312787
using this a chord progression calculator. Had to switch to the similarity matrix with lots of repeat chords.
Overall, I’d like to refine this chord vector space “intermediate” chord finder. It has potential. But, lots of little issues right now.
I need to clean up a bunch of things. Ideally, I want a function that takes a chord similarity matrix, a start and end chord, and computes intermediate chords and returns them.
delete non-unique chord, lots of bugs but seems fine now
made synonym list for deleted chords
not yet implemented, search by synonym
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library(tidyverse)# pre-processing to get the chord vectors# load chord vectorsc_chord_excel <- rio::import("chord_vectors.xlsx")# grab feature vectorsc_chord_matrix <-as.matrix(c_chord_excel[,4:15])# assign row names to the third column containing chord namesrow.names(c_chord_matrix) <- c_chord_excel[,3]# define all keyskeys <-c("C","Db","D","Eb","E","F","Gb","G","Ab","A","Bb","B")# the excel sheet only has chords in C# loop through the keys, permute the matrix to get the chords in the next key# add the permuted matrix to new rows in the overall chord_matrixfor (i in1:length(keys)) {if (i ==1) {# initialize chord_matrix with C matrix chord_matrix <- c_chord_matrix } else {#permute the matrix as a function of iterator new_matrix <-cbind(c_chord_matrix[, (14-i):12],c_chord_matrix[, 1:(13-i)] )# rename the rows with the new key new_names <-gsub("C", keys[i], c_chord_excel[,3])row.names(new_matrix) <- new_names# append the new_matrix to chord_matrix chord_matrix <-rbind(chord_matrix,new_matrix) }}chord_properties <-tibble(type =rep(c_chord_excel$type,length(keys)),key =rep(keys, each =dim(c_chord_matrix)[1]),chord_names =row.names(chord_matrix),synonyms =list(NA),database_chord =FALSE)first_order <- lsa::cosine(t(chord_matrix))# find repeats and build synonym listrepeat_indices <-c()first_occurrence <-c()for(i in1:dim(chord_matrix)[1]){# get the current row evaluate_row <- first_order[i,]# don't count the current item as a repeat evaluate_row[i] <-0# repeats are the ids for any other 1s found repeats <-which(evaluate_row ==1 )if(length(repeats) ==0){ }if(length(repeats) >0){#add to list of repeat items repeat_indices <-c(repeat_indices,repeats)# add synonyms chord_properties$synonyms[i] <-list(synonyms =row.names(chord_matrix)[repeats]) }if(i %in% first_occurrence ==FALSE){if(i %in% repeat_indices ==FALSE){ first_occurrence <-c(first_occurrence,i) chord_properties$database_chord[i] <-TRUE } }}# keep only unique chord, recompute similaritieschord_matrix_no_repeats <- chord_matrix[first_occurrence,]first_order_no_repeats <- lsa::cosine(t(chord_matrix_no_repeats))second_order_no_repeats <- lsa::cosine(first_order_no_repeats)# remove scales and individual notesonly_chords <- chord_properties %>%filter(type!="scale", type!="key", database_chord ==TRUE)second_order_chords <- second_order_no_repeats[only_chords$chord_names, only_chords$chord_names]################################## FUNCTIONS#################################generate_intermediate_chords <-function(start, target, steps, chord_similarity_matrix){ ordered_similarities <-sort(chord_similarity_matrix[start,],decreasing =T) target_id <-which(names(ordered_similarities) == target) progression <- ordered_similarities[floor(seq(1,target_id,length.out =2+steps ))]return(progression)}generate_intermediate_chords("C7","G7", steps =3, second_order_chords)